It’s only been two days since the hashtag #MeToo began spreading, but since then it’s inspired thousands of women (and some men) to take to their social media accounts and discuss the sexual harassment or assault they have encountered in their lifetime.
Among the thousands who have been vulnerable are celebrities who have shared their stories online regarding directors, producers and moreBroad City‘s Illana Glazer is one who added her voice, by opening up in a note on Instagram.
SEE ALSO: #MeToo: Hashtag shared by Alyssa Milano encourages personal stories of sexual assault and harassment
“I’ve been sexually harassed countless times,” Glazer wrote, including a list of places and jobs she had while being harassed. Read more…
More about Sexual Harassment, Broad City, Me Too, Culture, and Celebrities
Source: Mashable | Illana Glazer opens up about firing people because of sexual harassment
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