Browsing Category: Tech News

  • 11 places for thrifty bookworms to download free e-books

    Looking for the next great book to sink your teeth into? Look no further. As the year rolls on, you may find yourself wanting to set aside time to catch up on reading. We have good news for you, digital bookworms — you can get in a good read without spending a dime. The internet …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel
  • #Blessed!! Instagram will let users request to get verified

    Blessed be the badge! Like some sort of verification Oprah, Instagram will soon give the gift of requesting a blue checkmark to us all.  Now, rolling out worldwide, everyone will have the ability to ask Instagram to publicly verify their accounts. A “verified account” is one that has a blue checkmark next to the user’s …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Following account hacks, Instagram will finally support third party 2FA apps

    About time, Instagram. On Tuesday, Instagram announced several changes intended to improve security for its 1 billion users. Among the changes is the ability to use third party authenticator apps to log in to Instagram, including DUO Mobile and Google Authenticator. Instagram did not previously support this capability, although it did allow for 2-factor authentication …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Love the smell of rain? Here's how it works.

    The rain can be annoying sometimes, but OTHER times it can be amazing, romantic, and even fragrant. That smell most of us love for some reason is called — *looks at notes* — petrichor, and it’s made thanks to some bacteria.  Read more… More about Mashable Video, Rain, Perfume, Smells, and Sharp Science Source: Mashable …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Save $1600 on the Microsoft Surface Book 2 at Walmart (and no, you didn't misread that)

    Let’s get right to it: The Microsoft Surface Book 2 is available for $1540.32 on Walmart. Normally, this model Surface is listed at $3144.99, saving you a whopping $1600 on this killer 2-in-1. SEE ALSO: 10 of the best 2-in-1 laptops for beginners, experts, and everyone in between Under the hood, the Surface Book 2 …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel
  • A Sharp 40-inch LED TV is available for £164 using this handy code

    You know how the saying goes — once you go full HD, you’ll never go back. OK, so that isn’t a common saying, but we’re sure someone has said it at least once.  Even though it might not be the phrase on everyone’s lips, the point still stands. Full HD is an essential for a …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Join Amazon Prime for £59 just in time for the US Open

    The US Open got under way this week. In the UK, all eyes will be on how Andy Murray will perform after a long period out of action. Only a select number of fans will actually be able to cast an eye over his progress however. Unless you bagged yourself a ticket to the tournament, …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Nickelodeon's new streaming service is exclusively dedicated to binge-worthy '90s classics

    Mother, fetch me my bucket hat, a slap bracelet, and some Fruit Roll-Ups. There is work to be done! ’90s nostalgics can now binge Nickelodeon classics through VRV’s new streaming channel, NickSplat, for $5.99 per month.  SEE ALSO: 20 things that will be 20 years old in 2018 NickSplat’s collection of last millennium’s most popular …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel
  • LG is releasing an Android One handset with near flagship specs

    Android One is one of a handful of Google projects aimed at helping the mobile operating system run better on entry level devices. As such, those handsets that qualify for the program are generally pretty middling, at best. But LG’s G7 One bucks the trend, with some specs that wouldn’t be out of place on …

    August 28, 2018 | by Raheel