Browsing Category: Tech News

  • How to end that never-ending email chain without being rude

    You can see it coming from a mile away. A co-worker sends an email to a dozen people with an open-ended question that doesn’t have any real consequences on anyone’s life. And that snowballs into two responses, which turns into three more replies, and so on. And of course, rarely do any of those emails …

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Dramatic footage shows sheriff driving straight through blazing California fire

    Read more… {“player”:{“description”:”The Napa and Sonoma county fires have called upon responders in a big way.”,”image”:””,”mediaid”:”N8l6b2Pl1d”,”preload”:false,”title”:”Dramatic footage shows sheriff driving straight through blazing California fire”,”sources”:[{“file”:”″},{“file”:””},{“file”:”″},{“file”:”″},{“file”:”″}]},”options”:{“disableAds”:false,”disableSharing”:false,”nextupAction”:”autoplay”,”embedUrl”:””,”standaloneUrl”:null,”post”:{“url”:””,”date”:”2017-10-11T17:49:57.370Z”,”bp_id”:59427,”wp_id”:null}},”advertising”:{“params”:{“keywords”:”science,wildfire,sonoma county,first responder”,”sec0″:null,”sec1″:””,”prc”:””}},”analytics”:{“labels”:”science,wildfire,sonoma county,first responder”,”videoSeriesName”:null}} More about Wildfire, Sonoma County, First Responder, Science, and Climate Environment Source: Mashable | Dramatic footage shows sheriff driving straight through blazing California fire

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Mark Zuckerberg sets a new goal: 1 billion people using virtual reality

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants 1 billion people to use virtual reality.  That’s about 13 percent of the world’s population. SEE ALSO: Mark Zuckerberg apologizes for that awkward VR tour of Puerto Rico Zuckerberg threw out that goal as he opened the Oculus developers conference on Wednesday.  He talked about using virtual reality to create …

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Watch Armie Hammer dance into your heart in 'Call Me By Your Name'

    When life and the endless misery of the 24-hour news cycle get you down, sometimes you just need to watch a dreamy actor dancing to ’80s electropop. Enter: Armie Hammer, who is definitely going to become the internet’s new favorite boyfriend when Call Me By Your Name is released on November 24.  SEE ALSO: Sundance …

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Trump allegedly asked for 10 times more nukes before Tillerson called him a 'moron'

    We now know one of the reasons Rex Tillerson reportedly called the president a “moron”: President Donald Trump reportedly asked the military to multiply its stockpile of nuclear weapons by a factor of about 10 at a meeting this past Summer, according to NBC.  Increasing the United States’s nuclear arms would run contrary to what …

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Facebook announces $199 Oculus Go standalone VR headset

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to get a billion people to live and play in VR. But the company won’t get there with premium VR headsets like the Oculus Rift, which require expensive gaming PCs. Mobile VR headsets like the Gear VR are nice, but they don’t offer the same immersion. Facebook’s solution? Oculus Go, …

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Boy Scouts will finally allow girls to join, earn Eagle Scout rank

    The Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday that girls will be allowed to join the organization. According to NBC News, which broke the story, girls will be permitted to join single-gender Cub Scout “dens” beginning in the 2018 program year. Eventually, they will also be able to attain the rank of Eagle Scout — another …

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Street artist turns 'Rick and Morty' into commentary on the Isreali-Palestinian conflict

    Season 3 of Rick and Morty came and went, but some of its memes just refuse to die. Pickle Rick swept the globe before the season even really started, catapulting into its own category of Reddit post tags on r/RickandMortyReportedly, one Australian street artist named Lushsux took the new pop culture icon into the real …

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Oops, Mark Ruffalo accidentally livestreamed audio of 'Thor: Ragnarok'

    Mark Ruffalo: Actor, activist, accidental audio pirate. As the Hollywood Reporter explains, despite studio efforts to prevent leaks from the Tuesday night premiere of Thor: Ragnarok, more than 2,600 people got an illegal sneak peek thanks to Ruffalo’s limitations with Instagram Live. SEE ALSO: Mark Ruffalo, Olivia Wilde, and more celebs led a powerful protest …

    October 11, 2017 | by Raheel