Browsing Category: Tech News

  • Brock Turner's lawyers want to overturn his sexual assault conviction

    Brock Turner is trying to have his sexual assault conviction overturned.  Turner was convicted last year of assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster in 2015 and served three months at the county jail. What could have been a 14-year turn in a state penitentiary turned into a six month sentence — later cut in …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Tragedy strikes the American Girl Store on 'SNL,' but everyone is fixated on this one dude

    Saturday Night Live checked in with shoppers after an underground gas main exploded at a Phoenix American Girl Store, and boy were they shaken up. Reporter Ben Hartley (Kenan Thompson) spoke with customers Debbie Pritchard, a mother shopping with her daughter (played by Lady Bird’s Saoirse Ronan,) and Thomas Dean (Mikey Day) a grown-ass man who was …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • The coming Arctic blast probably won't make you sick, but winter definitely can

    The coldest air of the season will soon smack the Midwest and East Coast, dramatically dropping temperatures and rudely establishing that winter is here. The Arctic chill will arrive between Dec. 8 and 11, and could persist in some areas straight through Christmas. Given such an abrupt shift in weather, especially since the fall was …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • 6 incredibly smart and thoughtful ideas for improving the dog walking app Wag!

    Wag! is a popular dog walking app that has been described as the “Uber of dog walking.” Within minutes while you’re away, you can schedule for a walker to come to your apartment and take your dog out for a walk for 30 to 60 minutes.  While on a walk, the dog walker then sends …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Parking Insider is a mobile wallet dedicated to helping you avoid parking tickets

     Parking Insider is smart app with a mobile wallet expressly dedicated to enabling its users to quickly and seamlessly pay for parking spots — by the minute. The app — cobbled together last night at TechCrunch Berlin’s 24-hour hackathon — also invites users to earn free minutes of parking by snapping pictures of free parking …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Cool your drinks at lightspeed with these Millennium Falcon ice molds

    Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. Being a Jedi is hard. After a long day of fighting bounty hunters, using the Force, and explaining to your friends that these aren’t the droids they’re looking for, you need to put your feet up and make …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • How to earn two top business credentials for less than $50

    Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. Are you sick of getting passed over for promotions and raises simply because you don’t have an MBA? It’s difficult to stand out with just an undergraduate degree in business—and let’s be real, not all of us went …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Build the next big smartphone game by taking this app-development course

    Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. It’s 2017. It’s certainly no secret that coding is one of the most in-demand skills out there — and for good reason. Whether you’re making tweaks to your blog, running a multi-million eCommerce site, or building an app …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • 'SNL' reveals what it's like to be a woman with a blistering sexual harassment song

    A cheery bubblegum SNL music video starring Cecily Strong, Kate McKinnon, Aidy Bryant, and host Saoirse Ronan looks like it’ll be a delightful sendup of Katy Perry circa “Teenage Dream.” But listen to the words, and it’s anything but. “Hey there boys, we know the last couple months have been frickin’ insane,” Strong opens in …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Alec Baldwin's Trump is haunted by Michael Flynn in 'SNL's' Christmas Carol' cold open

    Saturday Night Live decked the halls with the ghosts of Donald Trump’s presidency in tonight’s yuletide cold open, and Alec Baldwin was right there for the Dickensian reckoning. There’s evidently not much to celebrate around the White House this Christmas, what with former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI.  …

    December 3, 2017 | by Raheel