Browsing Category: Reviews and Gadgets

  • The Morning After: Wednesday, October 4th 2017

    We're just a few hours away from meeting Google's new Pixels — check the liveblog here at 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT. Until then, catch up on all the other news, including Tesla's big-rig leak, and the bad news about Yahoo's 2013 security breach. Source: Engadget | The Morning After: Wednesday, October 4th …

    October 4, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Test drive ‘Gran Turismo Sport’ on PS4 next week

    Sony is offering up a four-day GT Sport preview, a week ahead of its long-time-coming release. (That's October 17th, in case you forgot.) PlayStation Plus members can preload the demo October 7th, and will be able to take a few cars for a spin from O… Source: Engadget | Test drive ‘Gran Turismo Sport’ on …

    October 4, 2017 | by Raheel
  • DelivAir uses drones to deliver to people, not physical addresses

    Drone deliveries — the impatient consumer's Holy Grail — have been in the pipeline for some time, and while Amazon is pioneering the cause, (although Rival 7-Eleven has completed nearly 100 aerial deliveries to date), its model is still somewhat en… Source: Engadget | DelivAir uses drones to deliver to people, not physical addresses

    October 4, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Russian Facebook ads reportedly targeted crucial swing states

    More details are emerging about the Russia-linked ads Facebook handed over to Congressional investigators just days ago. According to multiple sources who spoke to CNN, a number of the paid posts specifically targeted two states that were crucial to… Source: Engadget | Russian Facebook ads reportedly targeted crucial swing states

    October 4, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Snap CEO: Spectacles sales are 'over 150,000 units'

    Now that the hype around Snap's Spectacles has died down, there is the question of how many units the company actually sold. In a conversation today at the Vanity Fair New Establishment Summit, CEO Evan Spiegel revealed that sales of its camera-equip… Source: Engadget | Snap CEO: Spectacles sales are 'over 150,000 units'

    October 4, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Supreme Court: Samsung's in-box warranty can't kill lawsuit

    Samsung can't force a closed-door proceeding to settle a lawsuit filed by a customer who felt misled about the capabilities of his Galaxy S4, the Supreme Court has ruled. The Korean tech giant has been trying to squash the lawsuit since it was filed,… Source: Engadget | Supreme Court: Samsung's in-box warranty can't kill lawsuit

    October 4, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Allo web chat now works in browsers other than Chrome

    When Google brought its Allo chat app to the web, it only supported Chrome. That partly defeats the point of an app-independent client, doesn't it? Thankfully, Google agrees. It just expanded Allo's web support to get it running on Firefox, Opera and… Source: Engadget | Allo web chat now works in browsers other than Chrome

    October 4, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Instagram shopping is getting a big boost from Shopify

    Shopify is providing its users with another way to sell their goods. Throughout the year, it has been testing an Instagram shopping feature, but it's now opening the tool up to thousands of additional merchants just in time for the holiday shopping s… Source: Engadget | Instagram shopping is getting a big boost from Shopify

    October 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • IRS hands fraud prevention contract to Equifax despite massive hack

    You'd think that government agencies would be reticent to work with Equifax given that it just exposed the private info of more than 145 million people through a preventable hack, but a massive data breach apparently isn't enough of a deterrent. The… Source: Engadget | IRS hands fraud prevention contract to Equifax despite massive hack

    October 3, 2017 | by Raheel
  • Galaxy Note 8 and iPhone 8 Plus tie for top spot in camera test

    Like it or not, DxOMark is currently the go-to tester for smartphone camera quality. Companies will even base their marketing around its scores. As such, it's a big deal when the outfit declares a new winner… and it just declared two. DxOMark ha… Source: Engadget Original Post: Galaxy Note 8 and iPhone 8 Plus tie …

    October 3, 2017 | by Raheel