Source: Engadget
Original Post: What we're listening to: Rayana Jay, 'Destiny 2' and Cobalt
Source: Engadget
Original Post: Facebook's data-saving Messenger Lite is available in the US
After Las Vegas shooting, Facebook and Google get the news wrong again
October 2, 2017
Source: Engadget
Original Post: After Las Vegas shooting, Facebook and Google get the news wrong again
Microsoft gives up on Groove Music, switches customers to Spotify
October 2, 2017
Source: Engadget
Original Post: Microsoft gives up on Groove Music, switches customers to Spotify
Source: Engadget
Original Post: Tesla has only produced 260 Model 3s so far
Source: Engadget
Original Post: FCC Chairman Pai appoints a new chief technology officer
T-Mobile pulls advertisement claiming it has the fastest network
October 2, 2017
Source: Engadget
Original Post: T-Mobile pulls advertisement claiming it has the fastest network
Source: Engadget
Original Post: Germany enacts law limiting online hate speech
Source: Engadget
Original Post: Oakland Athletics reportedly test NFC-powered MLB tickets
Source: Engadget
Original Post: Parrot’s Mambo FPV puts you in the mini cockpit