• Kanye West suggests slavery was a 'choice' in heated TMZ segment

    Kanye West is back in the public eye, and he doesn’t seem eager to leave any time soon. Over the past few weeks, the rapper has created some serious buzz by returning to Twitter to reveal his extreme thoughts on life and politics, interact with Donald Trump, share some private text messages, and drop a …

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel
  • My Son Finally Has a Hero Like Him in 'Avengers: Infinity War' (Guest Column)

    My Son Finally Has a Hero Like Him in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ (Guest Column)  Hollywood Reporter ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ is in a 3-Way Battle for the Biggest Marvel Movie of All Time  IndieWire Infinity War: Could Adam Warlock Appear in Avengers 4?  IGN (blog) Mark Ruffalo revealed a massive Avengers : Infinity War spoiler months ago and nobody …

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Utah teen speaks out after prom dress sparks worldwide debate

    Utah teen speaks out after prom dress sparks worldwide debate  Deseret News Is that whipped cream? Nope, it’s vaping liquid. And it can be deadly to kids  USA TODAY American Student’s Chinese Prom Dress Starts Debate  Voice of America Shaming teen for wearing ‘racist’ dress to prom is crazy — Where does nonsense of cultural appropriation end?  Fox News …

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel
  • WhatsApp’s stories hit 450M users, stealing the globe from Snapchat

    Snapchat neglected the international market in its early years, and now WhatsApp has snatched that growth opportunity. WhatsApp’s clone of Snapchat Stories, WhatsApp Status, now has 450 million daily active users. That’s compared to just 191 million daily users on all of Snapchat as of today’s disastrous Q1 Snap Inc earnings call. Theupdate from today’s F8 …

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Facebook is moving Groups into the spotlight

    At the Facebook Developers conference today in San Jose, California, Chris Cox noted that the use of Groups is on pace to outgrow the main Facebook experience itself, with 1.4 billion users currently. Cox revealed that Facebook has been working with… Source: Engadget | Facebook is moving Groups into the spotlight

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel
  • California, 17 other states sue Trump administration to defend Obama-era climate rules for vehicles

    California, 17 other states sue Trump administration to defend Obama-era climate rules for vehicles  Washington Post California Sues Trump Administration Over Vehicle Emissions  Wall Street Journal States Sue The EPA To Protect Obama-Era Fuel Efficiency Standards  NPR Donald Trump Articles, Photos, and Videos – The Morning Call  The Morning Call California Sues Trump Administration Over Car Emissions Rules  New York …

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Facebook announces new dating service 'for serious relationships, not hookups'

    One is the loneliest number, which is probably why Facebook is taking steps to connect the people on its network who aren’t in a relationship. At it’s annual F8 developer conference Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company will soon add a dating service to the main app. “This is going to be …

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Mark Zuckerberg sounds exactly like Barack Obama in his F8 keynote

    Mark Zuckerberg is not well known for his speaking skills. Last month, when the Facebook CEO spoke in front of Congress, he was viciously meme’d for his robotic demeanor, something he’s always gotten a lot flack for. But during his keynote at F8 on Tuesday, Facebook’s annual developer conference, Zuckerberg didn’t sound like himself. But …

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel
  • Subscription Box of the Week: Bubbles and Books

    If you’ve been feeling stressed lately, you’ve got plenty of company. A study by the American Psychological Association found that about 63 percent of U.S. adults reported experiencing stress, thanks to anything from the state of the nation’s economy and healthcare system to national violence and crime rates … among other things.  Of course, some …

    May 1, 2018 | by Raheel