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A Hawai'ian singer reinvented the national anthem and it's beautiful

October 21, 2018

The Star-Spangled Banner has stayed the same, with the same words and the same tune for 87 years, but a Hawai’ian musician reinvented the song while performing the song at a football game in Hawai’i and left quite an impression. 

The singer, who goes by Willie K., reinterpreted the national anthem by accompanying himself on the ukulele and singing the tune in an original melody of his own creation. 

Isn’t it nice to hear a new spin on an old creation?

WATCH: President Obama’s take on the Colin Kaepernick anthem controversy

Read more…

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More about Football, National Anthem, Star Spangled Banner, National Anthem Protests, and Willie K
Source: Mashable | A Hawai'ian singer reinvented the national anthem and it's beautiful

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