Tech News

Amazon's face-ID tool can't even identify members of Congress correctly, ACLU finds

July 26, 2018

Amazon’s face-identification software Rekognition can’t even correctly identify members of Congress.

The American Civil Liberties Union tested the real-time face identification software (which can identify every single face in a crowd) by comparing photos of member of Congress to mugshots, and 28 members were misidentified as the people in the mugshots.

This study is part of the ACLU’s campaign to get Congress to forbid law enforcement from using face recognition technology on the grounds that it reinforces the criticism that facial identification software suffers from the racial biases of the people who create them. Of the 28 false positives in the study, six of the images were those from the Congressional Black Caucus. That means that even though Black representatives only comprise of around 20 percent of Congress, they still comprised more than 40 percent of the false positives.  Read more…

More about Amazon, Congress, Aclu, Rekognition, and Tech
Source: Mashable | Amazon's face-ID tool can't even identify members of Congress correctly, ACLU finds

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