Tech News

Steam's removal of the 'Active Shooter' game addresses a symptom, not the cause

May 30, 2018

Let’s be clear about one thing up front: There is no reasonable scenario where a video game about shooting up a high school is acceptable. None.

How then did Active Shooter, a game that promised to let you play the role of a school shooter while tracking stats like “civilians killed” and “cops killed,” end up with a product page on Steam? The game has since been dropped, but that it was there at all is troubling.

Steam, for anyone out there who might not know, is an online marketplace that specializes in PC games. There are other, similar marketplaces like GOG or EA’s Origin, but Valve Corporation’s Steam service commands the most attention and the largest audience. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Steam, Valve Corporation, and Active Shooter

Source: Mashable | Steam's removal of the 'Active Shooter' game addresses a symptom, not the cause

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