“You need money to take money,” declares the provocative tagline of Netflix’s Dirty Money, an upcoming documentary series about greed and corruption in massive, international companies. From Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side), the series goes deep into the dealings of companies like Volkswagon, HSBC, and yes – TRUMP Inc.
Each episode in the six-part series focuses on a different company and crime:
“Hard NOx” – VW and other automakers working with the government
“The Confidence Man” – Donald Trump’s business career and TRUMP Inc.
“Payday” – The corruption of payday lenders
“Drug Short” – Wall Street and Big Pharma
“Cartel Bank” – HSBC laundering money for Mexican drug cartels
“The Maple Syrup Heist” – A Canadian maple syrup mystery that somehow leads back to cartels Read more…
More about Entertainment, Television, Netflix, Documentary, and Docuseries
Source: Mashable | Netflix's corporate greed docuseries 'Dirty Money' will tackle Trump
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