Tech News

When an 85-year-old grandmother learns to use Google Home, an angel gets its wings

December 28, 2017

If you missed your grandmother this year, this video will probably make you feel a little better. 

YouTuber Ben Actis uploaded a video Wednesday of his 85-year-old Italian grandma trying to get acquainted with a new Google Home. Sure, her accent might get in the way, but she seems to have a difficult time understand the exact protocol when conversing with our new voice-activated assistants/overlords. 

And when it does work…”I’m scared. It’s a mystery.”

She is a wonderful mascot for everything we can one day hope to be: Someone who can have a good time trying to figure out these new fangled whoozie whatsits the kids keep giving you for Christmas. Read more…

More about Google, Culture, Italian, Google Assistant, and Google Home

Source: Mashable | When an 85-year-old grandmother learns to use Google Home, an angel gets its wings

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