Tech News

Facebook added a 'crisis donate button' to help disaster victims

November 10, 2017

From natural disasters to terror events, Facebook has been continuously expanding the capabilities of its Crisis Response Hub, which they rolled out in September of 2017

Now, in addition to following the latest news or checking the status of friends in at-risk areas, Facebook has provided its users with another way to give back. On Friday, the social network unveiled the “crisis donate button,” which enables people to easily give money to organizations assisting victims.

Facebook will send money donated through the button to GlobalGiving, a non-profit that works with many NGOs who may be on the ground in disaster situations. Through its partnerships, GlobalGiving learns where the money is needed most during disaster situations, and disseminates its funds where they deem it will be most impactful. Read more…

More about Facebook, Social Media, Disaster Relief, Charity Relief, and Globalgiving

Source: Mashable | Facebook added a 'crisis donate button' to help disaster victims

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