Tech News

The 5 most inappropriate things Donald Trump said at the Puerto Rico disaster briefing

October 3, 2017

Donald Trump finally made it to Puerto Rico today, two weeks after Hurricane Maria made landfall and devastated the island. He brought the full-on Trump charm with him, slinging jokes and comments that were tone deaf at best, given the dire situation in the island nation and his handling of it all. 

From an opening crack about the weather to bringing up the F-35 aircraft even though it was unrelated to the storm, Trump was all over the map. Which, to be fair, shouldn’t really shock us anymore.

And, yet, here we are.

“You really got hit”

Read more…

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More about Donald Trump, Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria, Science, and Climate Environment
Source: Mashable
Original Post: The 5 most inappropriate things Donald Trump said at the Puerto Rico disaster briefing

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